Raising the Parkinson’s voice on Parliament Hill


lobby_day_2014Our lobby day in Ottawa was an excellent opportunity to identify champions for Parkinson’s and to ensure the needs of Canadians affected by the disease are well reflected in national policy.

Our conversations with MPs and civil servants focused on three priority areas impacting the Canadian Parkinson’s community:

  1. Support for caregivers
  2. Genetic fairness legislation, and
  3. Establishing a comprehensive healthcare plan to address the complex needs of seniors.

Canadians affected by Parkinson’s were also recognized in both the House of Commons and the Senate. MP Wladyslaw Lizon, member of the Standing Committee on Health, and Senator Kelvin Ogilvie, Chair of the Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology, each made an announcement to highlight Parkinson’s Awareness Month.

Our sincere gratitude to those volunteers and staff who contributed to this lobby day’s phenomenal success, including representatives from the National Advocacy Committee, Parkinson Society Eastern Ontario and the National Board of Directors.

Parkinson Society Canada is building on the positive momentum of lobby day by continuing to foster relationships with key decision makers and identifying new opportunities to ensure the Parkinson’s voice is heard at public policy tables.

For more information, visit our Advocacy Centre on our website at parkinson.ca.

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