
No matter what, people living with Parkinson's are at the center of all we do.

No Matter What

This 2021-23 Strategic Plan focuses on navigating change in a time of uncertainty and expanding reach to impact more Canadians with Parkinson’s; making sure that anyone, anywhere affected by Parkinson’s can live well today.
In these unprecedented times, Parkinson Canada is channeling this spirit and determination and is committed to providing programs and services that are more accessible and offer choice along the Parkinson’s journey. No Matter What. We are committed to raising the voice of people affected by Parkinson’s through advocacy efforts focused on improving care. No Matter What. We are committed to collaborating and partnering to drive research innovation with the hope of finding new treatments and ultimately a cure. No Matter What.

Strategic directions

People affected by Parkinson’s are at the centre of everything we do together. When you support Parkinson Canada, you are demonstrating your commitment to:
Impact more people throughout the Parkinson's Journey
  • You provide equitable access to programs and services across Canada that offer choice and are personalized throughout the journey living with Parkinson’s. No Matter What.
  • Programs and services in communities will be enhanced, including fostering more connections between communities and providing tools and resources to dedicated volunteers who provide community support
  • Programs and services that meet the diverse needs and interests of Canadians living with Parkinson’s, ensuring relevance and resonance at all stages of the Parkinson’s journey
  • Personalized coaching and content tailored to meet specific needs for people with Parkinson’s driven by technology and personalized support through Information and Referral programs
Raise the voice of people living with Parkinson’s to advance solutions towards improving quality of life
  • You develop platforms to amplify the voices of people affected by Parkinson’s to improve access to care and create system-wide change. No Matter What.
  • Implementing an advocacy framework that is focused on access to health services and mobilizes the community to amplify its collective voice
  • An advisory group of people affected by Parkinson’s will provide guidance to the CEO and organization, ensuring the needs of Canadians with Parkinson’s are understood and decisions are made with a focus on improving quality of life today
Partner and collaborate to drive research innovation that provides hope
  • We will build partnerships and collaborate with organizations that have our passion for Parkinson’s research with the hope of finding new treatments and ultimately a cure. No Matter What.
  • The Parkinson Canada National Research Program will grow, continuing to fund the best in Canadian research and allowing for innovation and engagement
  • Parkinson Canada will be an active partner in research collaboration, through co-funding and partnering with national and international funders and through a leadership role in the Canadian Open Parkinson Network a national model developed in partnership with Brain Canada to bridge people, data, and resources to accelerate Parkinson’s disease discoveries

Enabling strategies

Brand and Marketing
Diversity, inclusion, and equity
Human resources and volunteer engagement