
Be part of the breakthrough: help advance new treatments for Parkinson’s.

Your support in new and novel research ideas into Parkinson’s disease helps: 

  • Find better treatments for Parkinson’s disease 
  • Uncover more about the causes, progression, and complications of Parkinson’s disease 
  • Improve the quality of life for people with Parkinson’s and their families 

Get funding for your research project

Apply for funding as an early-stage investigator and kick-start your career in Parkinson’s research. Our grants are designed to support innovative ideas and help advance the future of Parkinson’s care.

Get participants for your research study

Are you conducting Parkinson’s research and need participants? Share your study details with us. If it qualifies, we’ll feature it on our website to connect you with as many potential participants as possible

How to donate to research

Donors like you make new breakthroughs in Parkinson’s disease research possible. Your gift to the Parkinson Canada Research Program increases our research funding pool and enables new projects to get their start. 

Participate in a research study

Many research studies into Parkinson’s disease need human volunteers to answer specific health questions. Your participation in these research studies allows you to access new treatments for Parkinson’s disease before they are widely available and contributes to medical research. 

Participate in a research project with the Canadian Open Parkinson Network

The Canadian Open Parkinson Network (C-OPN) allows clinicians and researchers across Canada to band together and accelerate research into Parkinson’s disease. Your participation is essential to their efforts to develop new, improved, and personalized treatments for Parkinson’s disease.