Personal giving

Your generous contribution funds research, provides support and creates resources that empower people impacted by Parkinson’s to live their best lives.

Give your way

No matter how you give, know that your gift will make a meaningful difference in the lives of people impacted by Parkinson’s. 

In Memory 

Donations are a powerful way to remember loved ones and add to their legacy by creating help and hope for others. 

In Honour 

Celebrating your special someone, occasion or achievement with your gift. You can also send a personalized card, sharing your reasons for giving and a special message. 

Legacy Giving 

Your future gift could be the key to unlocking the mysteries of Parkinson’s. Your Will ensures that your family and loved ones are provided for in the future in the way that you want. 

There’s no progress without you.

To make a donation, please select the type of donation you would like to make:

Donor FAQ

How does my donation make a difference?

With the support and funding of committed Canadians, Parkinson Canada is able to provide educational workshops, conferences, a toll free National Information and Referral Centre, print materials in Canada’s both official languages and support services. Our advocacy initiatives are helping to change policy at all levels of government. We have a proud tradition of funding Canadian-based research engaging top scientists in the study of Parkinson’s disease. 

Why should I choose Parkinson Canada as my Parkinson’s charity?

Parkinson Canada is the only Canadian charity dedicated to providing support for people living with Parkinson’s disease every single day of the Parkinson’s journey. We provide education and support services and advocate on behalf of people living with Parkinson’s disease. As well Parkinson Canada’s Research Program funds research into the cause, prevention, improved treatment and/or understanding of Parkinson’s disease and related disorders including Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) and Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP). Parkinson Canada has the expertise and knowledge to do this effectively nationwide and in Canada’s two official languages, English and French. 

How can I donate to Parkinson Canada?

You can donate online or by contacting us at 1-888-664-1973. You can make a donation by cash, cheque, money order or credit card (but please do not send cash in the mail). 

Other ways to donate include monthly donations, gifts of securities or by remembering Parkinson Canada in your will. For more information, see above in Give your way

What is the most efficient way to donate to Parkinson Canada?

An automatic debit or credit card monthly donation is the most efficient way to donate to Parkinson Canada. This method of giving keeps our fundraising costs down while ensuring that we have a regular source of income to fund ongoing projects and research. It’s simple to set up and you can change or stop your donation at any time simply by contacting us

You may also wish to consider leaving a gift to Parkinson Canada in your Will. A considerable portion of our funding comes from people who leave a lasting legacy in this way. These gifts play an important role in how Parkinson Canada shapes programs and services. 

What is a corporate matching gift?

Many corporations have matching gift programs. When you make a donation to Parkinson Canada, your company will provide an equal or “matching” donation, thereby doubling your gift. It’s an easy way to multiply the impact of your contribution to supporting people living with Parkinson’s. Talk to your employer to find out if your company has such a program and how you can participate. 

Will I receive a tax receipt for my donation?

Yes. All donations made by mail or phone will receive an official tax receipt for amounts of $20 or more. All donations made online will automatically be issued a receipt. 

If your gift is less than $20 and you would like an official tax receipt, please let us know and we will be happy to send you one.

When will I receive my tax receipt?

Parkinson Canada’s goal is to send receipts to our donors within two weeks of receiving a donation. For donors who have chosen to give each month through our pre-authorized monthly giving program, receipts are sent out once a year at the end of January. For Parkinson SuperWalk donations you will receive your receipt by the end of January. Receipts for online donations are automatically sent to the email address provided after the transaction is completed. 

Will Parkinson Canada sell or trade my name and address?

Parkinson Canada will not sell or trade your name and address. We respect your privacy and do not sell personal information.  

What if I do not want to receive correspondence from Parkinson Canada?

We love to keep you informed about how your gift is being used to bring support and hope to people living with Parkinson’s. However, if you would prefer not to receive correspondence from us, please let us know by contacting us at 1-800-565-3000 or

If you prefer to receive communication by email only (not by mail or phone), let us know and we will accommodate your request. 

Do I have any rights as a donor?

Yes, donors have many rights. Parkinson Canada has adopted A Donor Bill of Rights (PDF) that was developed by the Association of Fundraising Professionals. At Parkinson Canada, we believe that current and prospective donors should have full confidence in the causes they are asked to support. 

Parkinson Canada received accreditation under Imagine Canada’s national Standards Program. Why is this important and what does it mean for me?

The Standards Program is a Canada-wide set of shared standards for charities and nonprofits to demonstrate their compliance in five fundamental areas: board governance; financial accountability and transparency; fundraising; staff management; and volunteer involvement. It helps organizations mitigate risk by ensuring that staff and volunteers understand and meet their legal, financial and fiduciary responsibilities. Parkinson Canada is one of over 200 organizations in Canada to obtain this highest accreditation standard. (source :

Is Parkinson Canada funded by the government?

Parkinson Canada does not receive regular government funding. Last year only 2% of revenue came from government grants. We rely on the generosity of foundations, corporations and most of all people like you for our ongoing support.  

How can I contact Parkinson Canada?

Telephone: 1-800-565-3000 



Mail: Parkinson Canada 
4211 Yonge Street, Suite 316 
Toronto, ON M2P 2A9 

You may also follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn

What is Parkinson Canada’s charitable registration number?

10809 1786 RR0001 is Parkinson Canada’s charitable registration number.