It Takes a Community to educate, advocate for, and support people living with Parkinson’s and their families, as well as continue the search for a cure. From advertising to webinars and from a wing-eating contest to a research presentation, Parkinson communities across the country are gearing up now for Parkinson Awareness Month this April.

Celina Chavannes, MP Whitby and parliamentary secretary to the Prime Minister, will make a statement in the House of Commons on April 11, World Parkinson Day. Several MPPs and MLAs and a senator are being asked to make statements recognizing Parkinson Awareness Month. Local Parkinson Canada groups are also approaching municipal officials to publicly proclaim April as Parkinson Awareness Month.  For a more complete schedule of what’s happening in your community, visit the interactive map on our website for local event listings.

You may see Parkinson Canada ads in your local newspaper or on TV. You may hear them on your favourite radio station. There may be posters in your neighbourhood, promoting local awareness, education and fundraising events throughout April. The following are just a sampling of the many events planned across the country for next month. Take note that some require advance registration as spaces fill up quickly.

Join us online for a cross-Canada webinar. Voice and communications therapies in Parkinson’s disease: Evidence, timing and techniques. Presented by Dr. Angela Roberts, speech-language pathologist and Parkinson Canada-funded researcher. April 15, noon to 1 p.m. EDT. Computer required. Advance registration required.

Celebrating Life art gala. Friday, April 15, 7 to 9 p.m. Saskatoon Inn, 2002 Airport Dr., Saskatoon, SK. $25 per person. For more details, visit the online event calendar and to register, contact or 306-933-4481. Registration deadline is April 8.

Celebrating Life education conference. Saturday, April 16, 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saskatoon Inn, 2002 Airport Dr., Saskatoon, SK. $65 per person. For more details, visit the online event calendar and to register, contact or 306-933-4481. Registration deadline is April 8.

Wingin’ It for Parkinson’s. Hosted by Tim Hague Jr., who along with his father Tim Hague Sr, won the first Amazing Race Canada. This fundraising event features wing-eating relays, on Saturday, April 2 at the King’s Head Pub in Winnipeg. For more details and to register a team today, visit

Contents under Pressure conference.  Enjoy expert speakers, an exercise break, good company and a hot lunch. April 23, 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., Viscount Gort Hotel, 1670 Portage Avenue, WinnipegRegistration and payment must be received by April 18.

Hope in Bloom. In centres large and small across Ontario, volunteers will be selling tulips, a traditional sign of spring and the international floral symbol of hope for people living with Parkinson’s. Pots of tulips and bouquets of cut stems will be sold for $10 each in public venues, raising both awareness and funds.

Comedy night for Parkinson’s. Parkinson Canada proudly partners with Yuk Yuk’s for a laugh- out-loud fundraising event, April 2, in Ottawa. Pre-show social and silent auction at 6:30 p.m. in the Atrium with cash bar and snacks for sale by Sue’s Sweets. More details and tickets at Centrepointe Theatres Box Office. To purchase accessible seating, please call 613-580-2700.

Public lecture on sleep disorders and Parkinson’s. Parkinson Canada (Québec) and the Cummings Centre (Gelber Centre) will co-present a public lecture by Dr. Ron Postuma on sleep disorders and Parkinson’s disease on Thursday, April 7, at the Cummings Centre, 5700 Westbury Avenue, Montreal. The presentation will be in English and Dr. Postuma will field questions in either English or French. Doors open at 1 p.m. and the lecture will begin at 1:30 p.m. Light refreshments will be served. Admission is $10 and advance registration is required. For more information and to register, call 514-342-1234, ext. 7201 or register online.

French webinar for caregivers. Thursday April 28, 2016, 6:30 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. Taking care of yourself while looking after a close one can be a real challenge for caregivers. Social worker Jennifer Héroux-Bourduas meets Cecilia Gaudet, who overcomes the daily hardships of caring for someone living with an progressive neurological disease, and who has found coping strategies to keep control of her life (jointly presented with the Federation of Quebec Alzheimer Societies and the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, Quebec Division). Free registration: Information: Danielle Blain (Quebec office), tel. 514-357-4291, toll free 1-800-565-3000 ext.3397,

Parkinson information and awareness day in Hawkesbury, Ontario. Parkinson Canada is evaluating the need for services and support groups around the Hawkesbury region of Eastern Ontario. Thursday, April 28: French information session 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., English information session 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., bilingual session 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Quality Inn, 1575 Tupper Street, Hawkesbury, Ontario. Open to Ontario and Quebec residents. Please register with Ginette Trottier, or 1-613-722-9238.

Mind over Matter education and awareness conference. A full day of activities broadly encompassing current neurological research, beneficial physical and mental activities, as well as helpful resources for people living with Parkinson’s. Saturday, April 2, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Harbourview, 101 Wyse Rd, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Register by March 19 for the early bird discounted fee of $40. Click here for more details and to register.