Have you ever dropped a pebble into a pond? When the stone hits the surface of the water, you see ripple after ripple spreading out from the point of impact. Did you know that your legacy could be like that? Properly prepared, your Will can create a ripple effect of goodness and generosity to the people and charitable organizations you care about. A carefully written Will ensures that your assets can be distributed according to your wishes, after your death. You can ensure family members can afford the costs of higher education. You can also leave something to the charities you have respected and supported financially — a charity like Parkinson Canada.

The possibilities are endless, and to make these good things happen, you must complete your Will, sign it and have it witnessed. By taking the time now to consider your wishes and write them down, you provide such an important planning tool for the financial security of those you care about. Financial advisors and estate lawyers recommend that everyone should have a Will. Age is not a factor in determining when is the best time to prepare your Will, or update the one you already have. If you have assets, a Will is essential.

When you don’t have an up-to-date Will, you lose control of what happens to your assets. Gifts to specific individuals or to charitable organizations will not occur. Your estate will be divided according to a rigid provincial formula and may go to close relatives who may not need the money or, worse, for whom you have little connection or bond.

Your Will is a vital document to have for the above reasons and more.

Making a gift to charity in your Will, is:

  • Convenient. It can be made regardless of your age and for any amount.
  • Cost effective. Your present income will not decrease.
  • Simple. It is easy to arrange. Simply instruct your lawyer to include a gift to Parkinson Canada in your Will. It can be a specific amount, a percentage of your estate, or the remainder of your estate (a gift after debts have been paid and other gifts have been distributed.)
  • And, provides tax relief. Your estate will receive a charitable tax receipt, which can be used to reduce taxes on your final tax return and, in some cases, the previous year’s tax return.

A gift to Parkinson Canada in your Will:

  • Helps people with Parkinson’s. Your gift becomes the gift of education and support services, and enables Parkinson Canada to advocate on behalf of Canadians living with Parkinson’s.
  • Is an investment in a cure: Your gift provides funding for innovative research, expanding our knowledge about symptoms, diagnosis and treatments for Parkinson’s disease, and ultimately brings us closer to a cure.

If leaving a gift in your Will to Parkinson Canada is something you would like to consider, please contact Sue Rosenblat at 1-800-565-3000 ext. 3386, or PlannedGiving@parkinson.ca to explore your options in confidence.