National Research Program

Parkinson Society Canada’s National Research Program is a collaboration with our 12 regional Parkinson’s organizations. The success of this national research program depends on the contributions we receive from donors, charitable foundations and other granting agencies. PSC does not receive any government funding.

Our focus

  • 75% of funding is dedicated to biomedical research which focuses on finding a cure.
  • 25% of funding is directed to clinical, health services and systems and population studies.
  • PSC’s psychosocial research stream complements the biomedical research and helps increase our understanding of the quality of life issues that people with Parkinson’s and caregivers face.

Promising areas of research

  • causes of PD
  • complications of PD
  • biomarkers
  • neuroprotection
  • dopamine development
  • psychosocial research
  • cognition and dementia

Selecting projects

All research applications to the National Research Program undergo a rigorous peer review process overseen by the top Canadian scientists in Parkinson’s research who sit on PSC’s Scientific Advisory Board. Only applications with the highest ratings for scientific excellence and relevance to Parkinson’s are chosen for funding. Research grants, fellowships and studentships are awarded through an annual competition.

  • Grants fund expenses associated with conducting a project.
  • Fellowships support the salaries of researchers who have completed doctoral training, such as MD or Ph.D., and who are pursuing specialized training in Parkinson’s.
  • Studentships support salaries of graduate students at the master’s or doctoral level, to attract promising young scientists to the Parkinson’s field at the start of their research careers.

For more information about PSC’s National Research Program and currently-funded research, see:

Award winners for 2009-2011 cycle

National Research Program Biomedical Awards

National Research Program Psychosocial Awards