BlogThere is hope in our walk There is hope in our walk Posted Date : Apr 4, 2017 “You don’t realize the impact you can have, just by being yourself.” Blake Bell, Parkinson SuperWalk, National Hero 2016. “It’s hard to explain, I just knew it was time. It felt right,” he says. SuperWalk has become a part of Bell’s healing process since his diagnosis. He cried reading the National Hero nominations submitted in his support. “You don’t realize the impact you can have, just by being yourself.” Watch Blake Bell’s story here. Bell says he’d like a cure for Parkinson’s tomorrow. “Not necessarily for me, but for people who are just getting it. It would be wonderful.” In the meantime, Bell calls on you and everyone for understanding, for those dealing with a chronic disease or disability. “I want people to treat other people, the way I treat them. That’s all I want.” You can join Blake Bell by becoming an everyday hero, inspiring extraordinary hope for Canadians living with and affected by Parkinson’s disease. Register online today at or by calling 1-800-565-3000. About Parkinson SuperWalk Parkinson SuperWalk provides the opportunity to raise money and awareness in support of Canadians living with Parkinson’s disease. Since 1991, Parkinson SuperWalk has raised more than $36 million through participants from all walks of life. Proceeds are invested in communities across Canada. These funds fuel essential support services, education for individuals and the health professionals that treat them, advocacy on key issues affecting the Parkinson’s community and potentially life changing, innovative research that can improve treatments and lead to breakthroughs in finding a cure. The national sponsor for Parkinson SuperWalk 2017 is Burnbrae Farms. About Parkinson Canada Parkinson Canada is the national voice of Canadians living with Parkinson’s disease. From diagnosis to discovery, the organization provides education, advocacy and support services to people living with Parkinson’s, caregivers and health care professionals. The Parkinson Canada Research Program funds innovative research to search for better treatments and a cure. Parkinson Canada is an Imagine Canada accredited organization. Visit -30- For more information, please contact: Jon Collins Parkinson Canada 416-227-3370 or 1-800-565-3370 ext. 3370 Additional files for the media are available here: Share this post: Your Story Matters: Inspire and Connect Inspire hope and connect with others by sharing your Parkinson’s journey. Your voice can make a difference. Share your story Discover more like this Apr 2, 2024 Living well with Parkinson’s is possible - Parkinson Canada marks Parkinson’s Awareness Month in April Apr 2, 2024 Bien vivre avec la maladie de Parkinson, c'est encore possible : Canada souligne le Mois de la sensibilisation à la maladie de Parkinson en avril Mar 27, 2024 Canadian Open Parkinson Network opens new Halifax site