Message from the Editor


Marina Joseph

Marina Joseph

Welcome to the first issue of eParkinsonPost for 2014. Throughout the year, we will update you on our progress in key areas including our work in federal advocacy, updates from our National Research Program and highlights from funded projects, as well as returning events such as Parkinson SuperWalk in September and Parkinson’s Awareness Month in April.

Winners of our 2014 National Volunteer Awards will be announced earlier this year, coinciding with National Volunteer Week which runs April 6th to 12th. Nominations are open until March 31 so there’s still time to nominate an exceptional volunteer and recognize his/her contribution to the Parkinson’s community.

We check in with Dr. Barbara Connolly, associate professor at McMaster University’s Department of Medicine and past recipient of the Nora Fisher Clinical Movement Disorders Fellowship, to see how her medical practice has progressed as a result of support from our National Research Program.

Also in this issue, we share updates on Parkinson Society Canada’s new initiatives to support family doctors and other health professionals with resources to apply the Canadian Guidelines on Parkinson’s Disease in daily practice. In addition to a series of webinars for physicians launched in February led by Canadian Parkinson’s experts, starting in April, doctors will have free access to a new online continuing education module.

And finally, the Donald Calne Lectureship is scheduled for May 26th. Mark your calendars and watch for details on how you can join us in Montreal. We’ll be announcing the 2014 recipient in March.

Our work is strengthened by your input. I invite you to comment on the individual stories in this blog as well as provide feedback and ideas for future articles. Keep in touch and enjoy a wonderful year.

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