Welcome to the April issue of eParkinson Post. At this time every year we celebrate the accomplishments of our volunteers, colleagues and cutting-edge researchers while raising awareness of Parkinson’s disease. Every day we are grateful for the everyday heroes who inspire extraordinary hope, working tirelessly to educate, fundraise, support, treat and research Parkinson’s. Take a look at six inspirational stories from among our many heroes across Canada.

We’re proud to share Parkinson Society Canada’s new National Advocacy Framework. This core document provides a snapshot of what drives our advocacy efforts, the people involved in our initiatives, the actions we are taking, and what we hope to achieve for Canadians affected by Parkinson’s disease.

We are pleased to announce Dr. Ali Rajput as this year’s recipient of the Donald Calne Lectureship award. In 2012, Dr. Rajput and an international team of neurologists and scientists discovered an abnormal gene in certain Saskatchewan Mennonite families that leads to Parkinson’s disease. This breakthrough could lead to new treatments, diagnostic tests and possibly, a cure for Parkinson’s. Mark May 26th on your calendar for the by invitation event which takes place during the Canadian Association for Neuroscience’s (CAN) annual conference, in Montreal, Canada.

We are also pleased to partner with the Canadian Association of Neuroscience Nurses during their 45th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions, which will be held in Banff, Alberta from June 3rd – 6th, 2014. Parkinson Society Canada will be working with clinical nurse specialist Lucie Lachance to present a two-hour plenary workshop for neuroscience nurses that will help them implement the Canadian Guidelines on Parkinson’s Disease in clinical practice. And if you can’t join the conference, there are other professional education opportunities available via webinar – check the website and register today.

We invite you to join us in celebrating extraordinary heroes during Parkinson’s Awareness Month. Join others who are giving back and help us move the cause forward through 2014 and beyond. And don’t forget to check in with our partners across Canada to find out what’s happening in a community near you.