Introducing CareFinder: Tailored Parkinson’s Care at Your Fingertips


In the intricate journey of life with Parkinson’s, each step holds meaning. And while Parkinson’s poses its challenges…dreams, aspirations, and moments of joy are Still Possible. How can we make these moments more within reach? How do you know what supports are available?

We’re thrilled to introduce you to CareFinder.

What is CareFinder?

Born out of the lived experiences of those with Parkinson’s and the collective aspiration of our community. CareFinder is an innovative, user-friendly online directory designed to connect you with Parkinson’s-informed services based on your location. Simply enter what you are searching for, add your postal code, and access a community of support, from movement disorder specialists to essential wellness programs. This wonderful tool directs you towards tailored services, programs, and supports, in your community.

Why CareFinder?

The need was evident. We’ve had numerous interactions with those living with Parkinson’s who shared their challenges in finding relevant services close to home. CareFinder is our response to these genuine needs. It’s more than just a tool—it’s a commitment to our community, ensuring they have easy access to the best possible care.

What’s Next?

We’re excited to announce that CareFinder is ready to preview. And while we’re continually refining it to meet your needs, we want you to have early access. We invite you to journey with us, explore, and share your invaluable feedback as we shape this tool to its fullest potential. And if you provide a service to Parkinson’s patients, connect with us and find out how you can be a part of our growing list of resources.

Try Carefinder

Conceived with compassion, CareFinder opens up a world of possibilities tailored just for you. We appreciate your participation and interest and hope that you’ll help CareFinder continue to develop and become the resource that provides uniquely tailored solutions for every person living with Parkinson’s across Canada.