Donald Calne Lecture


The prestigious 9th Donald Calne Lecture for members of the Parkinson’s community, including scientists, takes place at Terminal City Club, Vancouver, BC, on the evening of Thursday, October, 18, 2012. The presenter is Dr. Matthew Farrer, Professor in the Department of Medical Genetics and Director of the Centre for Applied Neurogenetics in the Brain Research Centre at University of British Columbia, in Vancouver, BC. His topic is Parkinson’s progress: from molecular genetics to medications. Space is limited to 200 guests. Register now to avoid disappointment.

The Donald Calne Lecture is generously sponsored this year by Abbott Laboratories, Limited.

Please rsvp by Thursday, October 11, 2012 to:

Parkinson Society British Columbia
Tel: (604) 662-3240 or 1-800-668-3330

For more information about Dr. Matthew Farrer, his work, and the Donald Calne Lectureship, see The 9th Donald Calne Lectureship awarded to Dr. Matthew Farrer.

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