By Mark Halpern, CFP

Members of the Parkinson community know that a critical illness is a life-altering experience.

That’s why healthy family members, friends and caregivers need to know about Critical Illness Insurance (CI) and why it’s so important to get CI while you are healthy.

CI pays a lump sum, tax free, 30 days after the diagnosis of a covered condition, including Parkinson’s disease.

Coverage can range from $25,000 to $2,000,000. You can use the money for whatever you wish:
– Pay off debts
– Supplement income
– Pay for quicker medical treatment outside of Canada
– Take an extended vacation to improve recovery
– Make alterations to your home that may be necessary because of your new condition
– Just stop working and concentrate on recovery

Almost 2 dozen conditions are covered.

And if you are fortunate enough to stay healthy and never make a claim on your CI policy, your premiums can be returned to you, in full.

If you die while the policy is in force, and you did not receive a CI benefit while you were alive, all the premiums will be refunded to your family/estate in full.

The policies are issued by the largest insurance companies in Canada such as Manulife, Canada Life, RBC, Sunlife and Great West Life.

Visit: for more information.

Mark Halpern, CFP has been an independent insurance advisor since 1991. Halpern has been recognized by Manulife Financial as the top living benefits advisor in Canada. He advises clients and the media across the country on a variety of insurance products and services. He lectures internationally within the insurance industry and is a sought after speaker for banks, trade associations, corporations and professional groups.