Manon Day

Manon was diagnosed with young-onset Parkinson’s at the age of 27. As a member of the Parkinson’s community, Manon is very knowledgeable about the disease and is passionate about wanting to participate in, and serve, the community. It is Manon’s hope that her work will positively impact the lives of others who are living with Parkinson’s.

In addition to her work within the Parkinson’s community, Manon is the administrator of an online support group on the Mewe social network, “Everything about Parkinson’s disease.” She posts informative and reliable content about Parkinson’s. Her goal is to help others who are living with Parkinson’s to better understand the disease.

What motivates you to be a part of the Council?

My mission is to participate actively to serve the community, offer guidance, and to raise the voice of patients across the country. I hope my work will positively impact the lives of people afflicted with the disease.

What is a key message that you think people living with Parkinson’s or care partners need to hear?

I want patients and caregivers to know that they are not alone. Their voices are being heard. Also, I want them to be informed and supported throughout their journey with Parkinson’s. This is my main purpose – to advocate for Parkinson’s.

What part of Parkinson Canada’s work are you most passionate about (i.e., research, advocacy, support, etc.) and why?

I am amazed with Parkinson Canada’s major funding of research projects. Research is crucial to increase knowledge and to develop innovative therapies. Such advancements will greatly improve the lives of people living with Parkinson’s. Furthermore, advocacy is very much needed to increase awareness of Parkinson’s in the general population. There is still a lot of work to do to break myths and stereotypes.

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