Dr. Galit Kleiner, MD, FRCPC is a Staff Movement Disorders Neurologist at the Pamela and Paul Austin Center for Neurology and Behavioral Supports at Baycrest Health Sciences, and an Assistant Professor of Neurology at the Department of Medicine, Division of Neurology at the University of Toronto, in Toronto, ON. Dr. Kleiner is an affiliated investigator at the Katz Interprofessional Research Program in Geriatric and Dementia Care, Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest Academy for Research and Education.
Dr. Kleiner’s clinical and research focus is on integrating all available resources to reduce Parkinson’s disease symptoms and delay disability that include optimal use of medications, diet, exercise and other life-style strategies. She works with an inter-disciplinary team specializing in the care of complex patients with neurodegenerative conditions to provide a person-centered approach throughout the disease continuum. To complement her clinical practice and in conjunction with colleagues, she developed www.livewellwithparkinsons.com website, an online resource that provides practical information and strategies to optimize symptom control and empower people living with Parkinson’s and their families with applicable knowledge.