The Wearable Biomechatronics Laboratory at Western University invites you to participate in a survey to identify the design requirements and needs for an unobtrusive wearable sensing device for in-home monitoring of symptom progression. Briefly, the study is looking for people across Canada living with Parkinson’s disease, caregivers, and healthcare professionals that are interested in completing a questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of multiple-choice and short-answer questions that collect information regarding the current state of Parkinson’s disease symptoms and the most important symptoms to you. We expect that the questionnaire can be completed in less than 10 minutes.
If you would like to participate in this study, please refer to the links below.
Are you currently living with Parkinson’s disease? Click here.
Are you a current caregiver to an individual with Parkinson’s disease? Click here.
Are you a healthcare professional that is currently treating individuals with Parkinson’s disease? Click here.
Contact information
Name: Olusoji Ogunbode
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