McGill University, University of Toronto, University of Alberta, and University of Manitoba

Are you an older adult who wants to improve your ability to walk outdoors?

What is the GO-OUT study? We are a group of students, physical therapists and researchers from universities in Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg & Edmonton. We wish to evaluate two programs to help seniors to walk outside more easily.

Who are we looking for? We are looking for adults aged 65 years and older who are interested in walking outside for exercise during the summer.

What will you have to do? You will participate in four evaluations spread out over one year. After the first evaluation, we will use a process that is like flipping a coin to assign you to one of two programs. The programs are:

GO-OUT Workshop & Coaching Program: This program involves a workshop and weekly coaching. Participants will attend an interactive workshop to learn strategies and skills to walk safely outdoors. You will move between stations at which you will practice using a step counter and Nordic walking poles; learn about fall prevention, and footwear, and perform balance exercises. Lunch will be provided. After the workshop, a coach will call you weekly for 10 weeks to coach you to walk outdoors.

GO-OUT Workshop & Outdoor Walking Program: This program involves the same workshop as described above, but you will also participate in an outdoor walking group, led by a physiotherapist, for 10 weeks. In the outdoor walking program, you will meet as a group in a nearby park, twice a week, for 10 weeks.

When and where will the programs run? The GO-OUT workshop will take place in June 2019. The weekly coaching and outdoor walking group will run from June to August, 2019. These dates are tentative.  Please see below to get more information for your city.

Is there a cost to participate? No. The GO-OUT programs are FREE of charge as funding is provided through a grant. All participants will receive a free step counter and workshop workbook.

Contact information

Name: Project Coordinator (Montreal)
Phone: (514) 934-1934 (extension 36902)

Name: Kyla Alsbury
Phone: (416) 946-7579

Project Coordinator for Toronto.

Name: Caryne Torkia
Phone: (204) 787-8015

Project Coordinator for Winnipeg

Name: Dr. Allyson Jones
Phone: (780) 492-1610

Project Coordinator for Edmonton.

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