The Action and Cognition (ACT) Lab at Trent University invites you to participate in a study investigating freezing in people living with Parkinson’s disease. We are recruiting people living with Parkinson’s disease and healthy participants to participate in our in-person study. All participants will need normal or corrected to normal vision and hearing to participate. All participants must not have a current diagnosis of depression, anxiety, or dementia. All participants must not have a history of neurological dysfunction (aside from a diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease). Healthy participants will be recruited in a manner that will match the age and sex of people with Parkinson’s Disease. Your participation will consist of a 2-hour session. The study involves completing questionnaires about your general health and behaviours, followed by walking, reaching, and eye movement activities. Participants will receive compensation ($) for their time. This study has been approved by Trent University Research Ethics Board (File# 29036).If you are interested in learning more about this study or signing up, please email: .
Find more details in the Study Poster.
Contact information
Name: Leah Steinke
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