A walk down the major street of most cities in Canada will confirm that our population is made up of a diverse collection of people, and their diversity can be defined by many things including language. Beyond French and English, Canada’s two official languages, there are many people whose first language is neither of these.  Through our national information and referral centre, we often received inquiries from adult children whose parents did not have English as their first language. “My father has Parkinson’s and your medication info sheet is so good, do you have it in Italian so he can understand his medications?”

“We wanted to meet this need for information and expand our reach to more people living with Parkinson’s,” says Barbara Snelgrove, Director Education and Services, Parkinson Society Canada. We translated four of our most popular resources, into the top five most common languages, after English and French.

To date, core information to better understand Parkinson’s is available in other languages for the following documents:

  • 10 Steps to Taking Control
  • Parkinson’s: The Facts
  • Parkinson’s Medications: What you need to know!
  • Progression of Parkinson’s Disease

If you or someone you know would benefit from these resources in German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese and Punjabi, please use the link below and download the electronic brochures.

Download Resources in other languages.

Parkinson Society Canada is the national voice of Canadians living with Parkinson’s, a neurodegenerative disease. Through regional partners and 240 chapters and support groups, we provide education, support, and advocacy on behalf of over 100,000 Canadians living with Parkinson’s every day. Funding innovative research helps expand knowledge on prevention, diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson’s and will ultimately lead to a cure.