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Researchers uncover a mechanism regulating dopamine levels in the brain

Researchers in Montréal, led by Jacques Drouin, D.Sc., recently uncovered a mechanism regulating dopamine levels in the brain by working on a mouse model of late onset Parkinson’s disease. The study, conducted in collaboration with Dr. Rory A. Fisher from the department of pharmacology at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, was published […]
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Piecing together the Parkinson’s puzzle: Investigating the impact of alpha-synuclein fibrils on dopaminergic neurons’ activity

At McGill University, Frédérique Larroquette, a PhD student, is conducting basic research to determine why only the brain cells that produce dopamine are vulnerable to the stressors that produce Parkinson’s disease. Larroquette is transforming stem cells into dopaminergic brain cells to study the three puzzle pieces known to play some role in the development of […]
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Dopamine dance against PD raises hope and strength for World Parkinson’s Day

When Barbara Salsberg Mathews tweeted a video of herself dancing on February 25, 2023, she didn’t expect to receive such an amazing response. Within just a few short days, her tweet “Parkinson’s Disease can’t stop me from dancing” had received over 15,000 views.   Even more amazingly, many other people living with Parkinson’s began replying by […]
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How toxic forms of alpha-synuclein get into these dopamine-producing brain cells

Brain cells don’t just let any proteins through their membranes, but unfortunately, they make an exception for a toxic form of protein called alpha-synuclein that’s at the heart of Parkinson’s disease. Researchers know misshapen or mutated forms of alpha-synuclein form clumps and ultimately kill brain cells that produce dopamine. Dopamine is the signalling chemical that […]
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Stem Cell-Based Therapies to Treat Parkinson’s

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is caused by decreased levels of dopamine, a chemical produced in the brain responsible for maintaining smooth movement and motor control, as well as influencing memory, feelings of pleasure, and motivation. In PD, a progressive loss of dopamine-producing cells can cause a range of motor and non-motor symptoms experienced by people living […]
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New directions in Parkinson’s treatments

Slowing down or modifying disease progression Current drugs for Parkinson’s treat the symptoms but do not stop the progression. One of the biggest investments in Parkinson’s research is in trying to find a drug that will slow down or modify the disease progression. Azilect® The drug rasagiline (Azilect®) was studied recently to determine if it […]
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Investigating Parkinson’s as an autoimmune disease

At the University of Montreal, Professor Louis-Eric Trudeau investigates the earliest potential causes of Parkinson’s disease, at the cellular level. His project is funded by the Saucier-van Berkom Parkinson Quebec Research Fund with contributions from Parkinson Newfoundland & Labrador, in the amount of $49,748.00 for 1 year. He is exploring the possibility that Parkinson’s is […]
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First Person: Choosing a career in neuroscience and Parkinson’s

By Dr. Isabelle Boileau I chose neuroscience because I wanted to understand how minute changes in brain chemistry can lead to remarkable changes in behaviour and function and can lead to disease. Motivated by my desire to learn about the neurochemistry of human behaviour, the first conscious decision of my scientific career was to work […]
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Transplantation for Parkinson’s disease – Don’t count it out yet!

By Dr. Harold Robertson Transplantation for treatment of Parkinson’s disease has not been as widely discussed as it once was, but don’t count it out yet! During the past decade there has been increasing evidence that early diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson’s disease will be important in the future. One area where early diagnosis will […]
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