Elderly man boxing
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Resynchronize the Brain and Body

In the past, the brain was considered static, unchangeable, hard-wired, much like a computer. Although major changes occurred during childhood, the belief was that these became minor and insignificant in adulthood. Today, we know this thinking to be false! Through much scientific research, we now know that our brains are capable of huge transformations and that our brains react to our environment, our thinking, our actions etc. Through a process called neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new nerve cell connections throughout life, we can retrain our brains to adapt to new challenges and realities. At the Cumming’s Centre, the adapted training programs are informed by this research through the principles of repetition, intensity, intention, and specificity.

Cummings: Where Age Meets Inspiration

This last year of confinement has forced many, young and old, to a lifestyle of reduced activity, which in turn has led to physical and psychological challenges. For those over 100,000 Canadians living with Parkinson’s disease, these impacts can further aggravate the symptoms of this movement disorder characterized by slowness of movement, rigidity, tremor, postural instability and changes in speech/facial expressions.  A great deal of research indicates that exercise can be the difference between dependence and independence for those living with PD.  Yet nearly 40% of patients who have had PD for 10 years are not exercising. Lack of knowledge coupled with the belief that “exercise can’t help me” create the perfect storm for rapid decline.

For the 60% that have understood that movement is an essential part of treatment and are looking to exercise, the restrictive measures have made it difficult. In-centre programs have had to adapt to circumstances and step out of the box to meet the needs of those living with progressive diseases that feed off inactivity. Cummings Centre is one such centre. Well known for its Adapted Exercise Clinic, Cummings has taken the training philosophies and objectives informed by research and used for over 20 years in their clinic and transitioned them to the ZOOM platform so that anyone 50+ living with PD can participate in live classes from their own home, anywhere in the world.

Find the exercise that works best for you!

Group of people doing a virtual workout
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Success Stories at the Cumming’s Centre

Positive Impact on Daily Life
Cummings member Barbara Harbert
Diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, Cummings member Barbara Harbert has been an active participant in the Centre’s adapted programs for some five years. Her ongoing participation is a testament, she says, to the positive impact the program has made in her daily life. “I feel that the exercise has helped me in slowing down the progress of Parkinson’s,” she said, also acknowledging that she exercises most days of the week.

Learning to Cope
Cummings Centre Member Ray Eascott
Cummings Centre Member Ray Eascott: “Through the various programs at the Centre focusing on people diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, I get the individualized attention I need to help me accomplish my goals. From boxing sessions to Broadway classes, lectures and support groups, I can better bear my daily challenges, gain courage and support from others.”

For more information please contact:
Maria Fragapane
Supervisor, Adapted Clinic
Superviseure, Clinique Adapté
5700, Av., Westbury, Montréal, QC H3W 3E8
514.734.1797 maria.fragapane@cummingscentre.org

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