Message from the editor


Marina Joseph

Marina Joseph

Welcome to the first issue of e-Parkinson Post for 2013.

In this issue, we focus on ways to manage Parkinson’s, particularly using approaches such as lifestyle changes and activities that promote a sense of empowerment.

Dr. Susan Fox provides a neurologist’s perspective and shares advice that she typically offers her patients.

Alice Templin describes successful self-management strategies she has used in her 12-year journey living with Parkinson’s.

We provide links to Parkinson Society resources that can assist with daily activity management as well as communicating with doctors.

We also prepare for World Parkinson Congress in Montreal, only eight months away.  Hear what inspires Canadian World Parkinson Congress ambassador Yvon Trepanier and plan to meet Yvon and the global Parkinson’s community.

And finally, a new National Research Program brochure is available. This summary identifies the areas of focus of the projects we’re funding, categories of grants and awards and how the research funding process works.  Download a copy of the National Research Program brochure now.

We want to hear from you. Please leave a note in the Comments section to let us know what you think of the articles. Your feedback will make this publication better. And if you really enjoy this newsletter, please pass along the link to someone you know so that they may enjoy it too.


P.S. Thank you to those of you who completed our online readership survey in December.

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