
One-Time Giving

Your gift helps thousands of people living with Parkinson's. By donating today, you will:

  • Provide access to programs and services that will make a tremendous difference to the quality of life of the Parkinson's community
  • Fund the discovery of new treatments and, ultimately, a future without Parkinson's
Give Now


Monthly Giving

Donating monthly is the most cost-effective way to help families touched by Parkinson's. Your monthly gift will:

  • Provide reliable funding for vital programs, services and resources
  • Keep promising research moving forward every day of the year
  • Help you budget — and helps us plan!

Just sign up to start donating! You can change or cancel your monthly gift at any time.

Give Monthly


Give in memory

Donations are a powerful way to remember loved ones, and add to their legacy by creating help and hope for others.

Give in memory


Gift in honour

Celebrating your special someone, occasion or achievement with your gift. You can also send a personalized card, sharing your reasons to give and special message.

Give in honour


Support an Event Participant

Looking to support someone registered for a Parkinson Canada fundraising event? Enter their first and/or last name or a portion of their name in this form and click search.

Looking to participate? Learn more...


Donate a Car

Donate your vehicle to Parkinson Canada through Donate a Car Canada or to raise funds for us. Visit Donate a Car or to find out more.

Parkinson Canada - Charity Car Donation Program

Donate a car

Want to make your gift by mail?

We've prepared a donation form that you can download, print and then mail it to us.

Have more questions?

Read Parkinson Canada's donation Frequently Asked Questions for more information about the donation process.

Parkinson Canada abides by the Association of Fundraising Professionals Code of Ethical Standards.

Read about Tax Receipts for Donations.

Your Giving is a legacy.

You want to make the biggest impact you can in improving the quality of life for people living with Parkinson’s disease. You want to enable their caregivers, providing personalized support and services and, investing in research that will lead to medical advancements in treatment and one day, a cure.

Here are some options for you for to build that legacy, to change the world today and make a better future possible.

For questions about your planned giving options, please contact:

Naseem Jamal at 1-800-565-3000 or by email at


A bequest is a gift in your Will that can be changed or modified at any time. You can choose to designate that your bequest be used for general use, or perhaps for a specific purpose. Bequests are also a meaningful way to reduce estate taxes while helping create a better world.

Download My Personal Organizer, our Will planning guide
Read more about Bequests
Download Bequest Intention Form
Suggested Bequest Wording for Your Will

Life insurance

When you name Parkinson Canada as a beneficiary and/or owner of your life insurance policy, you could benefit from tax savings in your lifetime or tax savings for your estate.

Read more about Life Insurance

Registered Assets (RRSP’s and RRIF’s)

Once your needs and those of your loved ones have been met, you can help Parkinson Canada by donating Registered Assets such as a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) or a Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF). There are also significant tax savings for your estate when giving your Registered Assets.

Read more about Registered Assets

Charitable Gift Annuity

A Charitable Gift Annuity allows you to support us and in return you receive guaranteed income for life.

Read more about Gift Annunity

Charitable Remainder Trust

You have an asset – perhaps stocks, bonds, securities, mutual funds or real estate – that you want to eventually donate, but you need the income it currently provides, or you may not wish to part with your asset at this time. A Charitable Remainder Trust is a way of giving by establishing a trust agreement with us.

Read more about Remainder Trust

Please Note:

If you are thinking about making a planned gift to Parkinson Canada, it is recommended that you seek independent professional advice from your lawyer or financial advisor.

When preparing your will, please note that our legal name is:

Parkinson Canada Inc.
316-4211 Yonge Street
Toronto, ON M2P 2A9

Charitable Registration No: 10809 1786 RR0001

Your Giving is a partnership.

By donating a major gift to Parkinson Canada, you have the opportunity to direct your gift to specific areas, programs or initiatives that are important to you. We can help you determine what opportunities would maximize the value of your gift.

For questions about major gifts & partnerships, please contact:

Naseem Jamal at 1-800-565-3000 or by email at

Gifts of Stocks & Securities

A donation of publicly traded securities is one of the easiest and most effective ways you can support Parkinson Canada. And you can avoid the capital gains tax that you would normally have to pay if you sold the securities and then donated the proceeds. Parkinson Canada will issue you a charitable tax receipt for the fair market value of the security on the date of transfer into our brokerage account. You can donate securities now, or as part of your estate planning.

Read more about the Gift of Stocks and Securities.

To explore the benefits of this type of giving, please contact Naseem Jamal at 1-800-565-3000 ext. 3378, or

Download our Gift of Stock Guidelines for Transferring Assets and Letter of Authorization.

Corporations & Foundations

We offer partnership opportunities at both the national and local level that will motivate and engage your team and build awareness through a Cause Marketing initiative. Parkinson Canada offers companies the opportunity to increase their exposure and align with the only national health charity serving Canadians.

Parkinson Canada also has the distinction of being accredited by the Imagine Canada's Standards program, recognizing a quality of excellence in our governance, financial accountability and transparency.

Parkinson's disease affects about 7 million people globally. By 2031 the Parkinson's population in Canada over the age of 40 is anticipated to increase by 65% and those over the age of 65 with Parkinson's disease will more than double. With more than 25 people a day diagnosed in Canada, chances are you know someone who has been affected by Parkinson's disease.

Increasing awareness of Parkinson's disease creates a rare opening for businesses who are motivated to offer support for a critically important cause while conveying a leadership investment in health for Canadians that is both strategic and proactive.

Read more about Corporate Partnerships and Cause Marketing opportunities.

If you are interested in discussing cause-marketing initiatives with Parkinson's Canada please contact:

Naseem Jamal, Senior Manager, Donor Engagement at 416-227-3370 or