Parkinson Canada is a proud presenting partner of the When Life Gives You Parkinson’s Podcast hosted by Larry Gifford.
The podcast, now entering Season 3, is an always honest and sometimes humourous first person perspective on living with Parkinson’s from the point of view of its host, who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s at age 45 in 2017. The authentic, frank conversations combined with compelling storytelling ensures this podcast remains interesting, informative and enlightening for all listeners regardless of where they are in their Parkinson’s journey. It gives voice to Parkinson’s experts and advocates from around the world and together they openly tackle tough topics.
« We’re proud to amplify the voices of all Canadians with Parkinson’s and that’s why we’re so excited to… present this podcast. »
– Jon Collins, Interim, Marketing Lead with Parkinson Canada
“At Parkinson Canada we know so many people with Parkinson’s who are eager to share their experiences with others in an effort to help them manage a diagnosis and live well” says Jon Collins, Interim Lead, Marketing with Parkinson Canada. “For some, that means attending a local support group or otherwise connecting to share experience with peers. With Larry, it means hosting this illuminating podcast and using his platform to spread awareness, a message of hope, and constructive insights to those living with Parkinson’s. We’re proud to amplify the voices of all Canadians with Parkinson’s and that’s why we’re so excited to partner with Larry and his team and present this podcast.”
You can find each episode live on our website or as part of the CuriousCast podcast network. Your support of Parkinson Canada has always provided the best in education and personal perspective to equip Canadians living with Parkinson’s to manage their disease, and this partnership (now entering its second season) is one more way to reach people who need the information.
« The more we tell our stories, the more it drives awareness of PD, which is needed for funding research and ultimately finding a way to stop PD in its tracks. »
– Larry Gifford, Host of When Life Gives You Parkinson’s
The host agrees. “I am thrilled to be working with the Parkinson Canada team. It is extremely important that Canadians have equity of access to information, movement disorder specialists, informed GPs, early diagnosis, medications, treatments, and wellness activities. Parkinson Canada works tirelessly to get us closer to that reality each day. By partnering with the podcast they are also raising the voices of people with Parkinson’s. The more we tell our stories, the more it drives awareness of PD, which is needed for funding research and ultimately finding a way to stop PD in its tracks. No matter what.”
Special topics this season include:
- the collision of COVID-19 with Parkinson’s disease
- when to fire your doctor and how to do it
- an exploration of what it’s like to have Parkinson’s in Peru, Nigeria or Romania
- how effective are holistic therapies in treating Parkinson’s
- and so much more
Ben Stecher and Dr. Alberto Espay will join the podcast to talk about their new book, Brain Fables: The Hidden History of Neurodegenerative Diseases and a Blue Print to Conquer Them. Bas Bloem, PhD, MD, Ray Dorsey, MD, and Michael Okun, MD, the authors of the book Ending Parkinson’s Disease will also make appearances on the podcast this season.
Subscribe, or bookmark When Life Gives You Parkinson’s to catch new episodes twice a month, starting September 23.