Message from the Editor

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Welcome to the fall edition of e-Parkinson Post.

As we get back into the swing of regular routines, Parkinson support groups and educational programs across the country are gearing up for a new season of supporting and informing people with Parkinson’s and family members. We are able to offer these services and programs in part due to the commitment of so many of you who come out annually in September to raise funds at Parkinson SuperWalk. Your efforts also fuel the innovative research our funded researchers undertake to help ensure that people with Parkinson’s have the best quality of life possible while the global Parkinson’s community steadfastly works together toward a cure.

In this issue, we share with you the results of both the recent Parkinson SuperWalk and our latest research competition.

We also include an article which appears in September’s Hospital News, in our continuing efforts to alert the health professionals who work with people with Parkinson’s to the absolute importance of medication timing in Parkinson’s.

The advocacy report will show you how our ongoing dialogue with policymakers is paying off in much-needed funding and tax relief for people with Parkinson’s and other brain disorders.

Recently we added a section for Comments to e-ParkinsonPost and we would like to hear from you. Did you enjoy a particular article? Would you like to learn more about a subject we have covered or a program we offer? Please let us know what you think of the newsletter – what you like, what you think could be improved, what else you would like to see. You are among 8,000 e-ParkinsonPost subscribers and that number is growing. Your feedback will make this publication better. And if you really like it, pass this message along and tell two friends.

Remember, e-Post is one small part of the resources we have for you on our website. Visit regularly. There is much more to explore.

We hope you enjoy this issue.

Marjie Zacks

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