Become a Parkinson’s Ambassador in your riding

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Joyce Barretto, co-Chair, National Advocacy Committee, Parkinson Society Canada

Joyce Barretto, co-Chair, National Advocacy Committee, Parkinson Society Canada

Do you want to make a difference in the lives of Canadians affected by Parkinson’s disease? If so, join our Parkinson’s Ambassador Network and play an important role in the upcoming federal election.

“Only you can present that personal perspective, whether you live with Parkinson’s or you have family or friends with the disease,” says Joyce Barretto, co-Chair of Parkinson Society Canada’s National Advocacy Committee. Barretto has a deep commitment to the Parkinson’s cause because her mother has been living with Parkinson’s for more than 18 years.

As representatives of the Parkinson’s community in political ridings across Canada, you, along with other volunteers coast-to-coast, will meet with your local MP and candidates to discuss issues impacting the Parkinson’s community. Although the election must officially be held by October 19, 2015, there are indications it will be called early – this winter or in the spring of 2015.

What are we looking for?

  • People living with Parkinson’s and their caregivers
  • Relatives and friends affected by the disease
  • Anyone who wants to help advance the Parkinson’s cause
  • People with five to 10 hours to volunteer during the election campaign
  • Strong public speakers

Parkinson Society Canada will train and provide ongoing support to our ambassadors to ensure they are fully prepared for their responsibilities during the campaign. Parkinson’s Ambassadors may also have an opportunity to participate in other national and provincial advocacy initiatives beyond the election.

“I invite you to be a voice for change and a champion in your community to get our Parkinson’s message heard,” encourages Barretto.

If you are interested in being a Parkinson’s Ambassador or have questions about this opportunity, please visit our website or contact Vanessa Foran, VP, Public Affairs and National Programs, at or toll-free at 1-800-565-3000 ext. 3396.

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