Annual Saskatchewan fundraiser surpasses half-a-million dollar mark

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Travis Low, right, presents the 2016 proceeds to Marlin Stangeland and Todd MacPherson, Parkinson Canada.

Travis Low, right, presents the 2016 proceeds to Marlin Stangeland and Todd MacPherson, Parkinson Canada.

Congratulations to the more than 6,000 participants, volunteers, sponsors and community members in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, who have come together during the past eight years to be part of the annual Lows in Motion fundraiser.  The community event raises funds to improve the lives of people living with Parkinson’s in Saskatchewan. Including the 2016 event held in November, they have raised a total of $516,000.

Over the years, the Lows in Motion contributions have helped Parkinson Canada hold five annual education conferences in the province; expand the number of support groups in Saskatchewan to 13 – most holding monthly meetings; and make annual contributions to the Parkinson Canada Research Program, which has funded more than 500 Parkinson research projects, totaling more than $26 million, since 1981.

Travis Low founded the event in 2009 in honour of his grandfather who had Parkinson’s disease and his father who was newly diagnosed at that time. Lows in Motion generously donates all proceeds to Parkinson Canada to continue to bring help and hope to people living with Parkinson’s.

“There is so much to be hopeful for though. Hope that we will continue to progress our understanding of the disease. Hope that new treatments will allow those living with the disease to live a better quality of life,” says Travis. “And the biggest hope that we will one day find a cure!”

The annual event is more than your typical gala; supporters are treated to first class entertainment, while knowing they are giving to a great cause.  And they get to learn about what life with Parkinson’s is really like. You can check out two moving videos from Lows in Motion: Beneath the Tremors, which debuted at the 2015 event, as well as the most recent video Smiles of Hope.

Make a note in your calendar and watch for details about the next Lows in Motion shaker event in November, 2017.

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