tractor in field

Parkinson Canada is pleased to report that a pesticide containing paraquat is no longer registered for distribution in Canada. While it is extremely difficult to definitively establish a cause-and-effect relationship, many epidemiolocal studies and systemic reviews have found an association between pesticide exposure and Parkinson’s. Certain pesticides, including a chemical called paraquat, have been linked to Parkinson’s more frequently than others.  

In Canada, the only product containing paraquat is an herbicide called Gramoxone® that was used in agriculture. This product was regulated by Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) and had restrictive use cases. Recently, however, the manufacturers of Gramoxone® discontinued its registration in Canada. This means Gramoxone® is no longer sold or permitted for use in the country.  

Parkinson Canada continues to monitor the connection between pesticide exposure and Parkinson’s and will continue to keep the community informed whenever new information becomes available. To learn more about the regulations and legal cases surrounding paraquat in Canada, please see our webpage on the relationship between pesticides and Parkinson’s.