Advocacy Update


By Joyce Barretto and Yvon Trepanier, Co-Chairs, National Advocacy Committee

Brain Awareness Month – March 2012

Joyce Barretto
For Brain Awareness Month, an announcement recognizing March as Brain Awareness Month was read in the House of Commons, Senate and the Ontario legislature. A Brain Awareness information package was sent to all members of Parliament, senators, and members of the Ontario’s legislature. Vanessa Foran and Celina Chavannes, Neurological Health Charities Canada, provided testimony during the first of three federal Standing Committee on Health hearings on neurological conditions. Understanding brain disease in Canada, an article on the National Population Health Study of Neurological Conditions and the need for a National Brain Strategy, was published in the March issue of Abilities magazine and in a March 22, 2012 National Post supplement on Canada’s bio-economy.

Parkinson’s Awareness Month – April 2012

Yvon Trepanier
At time of publication, the following activities were scheduled for Parkinson’s Awareness Month: An announcement of April as Parkinson’s Awareness Month was to be read in the House of Commons, the Senate and the Ontario legislature. Parkinson’s Awareness information packages were to be sent to all members of the House of Commons, Senate and the Ontario legislature. Fresh tulips were to be delivered to all members of the Ontario legislature. Members of the Ontario Ambassador Network were to connect with their local MPPs during the week of April 9-13 (constituency week) to raise awareness of Parkinson’s and discuss key advocacy issues such as access to quality care, programs and treatment. Parkinson’s experts were to provide testimony as the federal Standing Committee on Health hearings on neurological conditions continue.

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