

In a matter of weeks, the world has changed. These are unprecedented times with COVID-19 creating a world of uncertainty.

In taking on this leadership role, I want to ensure that Parkinson Canada will continue to be there for those living with Parkinson’s until we find a cure. And I know that in my brief time here, I am grateful for the work that our staff have all done, to be open, flexible and adaptable to this fluid situation.

In light of a changing world, we too will need to look at how we achieve our mission and our commitment to you as donors who make our mission possible for those who benefit from your generosity. We are committed to being there for the growing number of individuals who rely on us for relevant, credible information.

My background as a scientist means that I am driven to pursue answers to often difficult or complex questions. My late grandfather lived with Parkinson’s disease. Over the years, I witnessed how he and others living with Parkinson’s overcome changes and challenges, and how friends and family rally to support them. I am inspired by your resilience and resourcefulness as individuals and as a caring Parkinson’s community.

I have had tremendous support and during this leadership transition. I am delighted to take on the challenge of leading Parkinson Canada. I appreciate that we are fortunate to have a 55-year history with one constant, our mission, to transform the lives of people living with Parkinson through the generosity of donors.

Until we can meet in communities like yours across Canada, I look forward to meeting you virtually.